Welcome to our livestream! We are saddened you are unable to be with us today in gathering together as the body of Christ. Even so, we are pleased to bring to you the ministry of the Word that you may hear and believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.
It is our fervent prayer that you will soon be able to join us again in person to be blessed by the fellowship of the saints and the reception of our Lord’s Supper, given and shed for you in the bread and the wine. While we are able to help bridge the gap with technology the internet is simply no replacement for the communal living of Christ’s Church. May He give you strength during this time apart and bring you to us again soon.
We live stream our Sunday Morning Services only on our Facebook Page. If you desire to hear God’s Word between services for devotional purposes, we have an archive of church services and other videos on our YouTube Channel. May these videos prove to be a blessing to you and all who need to hear the Word of God. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and give us feedback so that we may work toward providing you with resources that help feed your faith!
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